Mount Calvary Baptist Church
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Ministerial Staff

The associate ministers of Mount Calvary Baptist Church are ambassadors for Mount Calvary's vision and mission. Mount Calvary's associate ministers work with the Pastor  to fulfill a wide range of duties that include but are not limited to teaching Sunday school and Bible study; visiting nursing homes, hospitals, and funeral homes to pray with individuals experiencing hard times; and overseeing the Christian education programs such as classes related to young adults and married couples.

Trustee Ministry

The primary duty of the trustees is overseeing the financial aspects of operating the church. Trustees also act as liaisons between the members of the church congregation and the church leaders, representing and articulating the congregation's interests.


Usher Ministry

The Board consists of members who are committed gatekeepers to the sanctuary during church services and special programs and are charged to show compassion to all that come through the doors of the church.  They formally greet our newcomers and guests and seek to show agape love to make our visitors and guests feel at ease.  They must be able to quickly recognize the needs of others and joyfully give assistance to meeting those needs while assuring that the sanctity of God's house is not violated.


New Member's Instruction

The purpose of this ministry is to ensure that new members receive an engaging and complete orientation process.  Instruction will help members gain a comprehensive understanding of church operations, inspire participation in church programs, promote retention in active church membership, and enhance commitment to church ministry service through voluntarism.


Hospitality Ministry                                        

A committee of dedicated Christian spirits are responsible for providing services related to ensuring that new member's feel embraced and welcomed as new members of the church family. The Hospitality Ministry is also responsible for providing a welcoming smile and hand to all who come to attend church services or events to make each person feel loved and appreciated.


Diaconate Ministry

As extended arms of the Pastor, we minister to the congregation as his representatives in matters that will further the growth of the individual member and the corporate body. It is our responsibility to attend to the needs of the members of the church, as related to the spiritual and the temporal needs that may arise. As Deacons, we are passionate to develop a more Christ-like congregation and are committed to the standard of ministry proclaimed by the written and preached Word of God.


Deaconess Ministry

The mission of the Deaconess Ministry of MCBC is to assist the Pastor by working with the Deacons in ministering to the needs of the overall congregation - specifically to women, children, elderly, and those in distress - with loving kindness and sympathy.


 Music Ministry

The purpose of the music ministry is to provide and coordinate music for all church services and special programs. The department is comprised of various groups and choirs and musicians.  This ministry seeks to glorify God, enhance the service by preparing us for worship in uplifting our spirits and to communicate His message of grace through music.  Its purpose is to lead the congregation in meaningful praise through music, to provide special music during worship services and to support the church's fellowship ministry when worshipping with other churches.


Audio-Visual Ministry                                                 

The weekly recording of sermons given during weekly services or special programs to give members and visitors an opportunity to listen to the services or sermons that they miss or that they wish to listen to over again. The main focus of the ministry is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to assure that all who have a desire to hear the word have an opportunity to do so.


Dance Ministry

This ministry is made up of children, teens and adults, males and females.  Its primary purpose is to minister to the minds and spirits of the congregation through movement and song.


Men's Ministry

This brotherhood ministry is committed to "Making Brothers, Supporting Fathers & Encouraging Husbands."  This commitment is pursued through a variety of initiatives and is dedicated to making men's experiences at Mount Calvary positive, encouraging, and one that creates a desire for a deeper relationship with God and other believers.


Women's Ministry

Actively seeking God's will in finding ways to enrich the lives of MCBC women through encouragement, involvement, opportunities to learn, friendships, sharing gifts and experiences, praising God, outreach, building, and personal growth.


Forever Young Ministry

For members ages 62+ to come together for fellowship, spiritual growth, and fun. 


Mission Ministries:


Soup Kitchen

The Soup Kitchen provides meals to the hunger every Saturday from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.


Summer Food Program

During the summer months, Mount Calvary provides lunch to all children free of charge. Meals will be served in the fellowship hall from noon - 2PM. Children under age 18 are welcome.


Back to School Block Party

In August of each year, Mount Calvary hosts an annual Back to School Community Block party each year to encourage and support a safe and productive academic year. This one-day event brings the south end in the City of Albany together for great music, food, fun, and fellowship. Any interested speakers, performers, or vendors can contact our office at (518) 436-9308. To sponsor this event or donate school supplies to be distributed to youth during this event, please contact us at (518) 436-9308.


Christian Education:


Sunday School

Sunday school provides a learning environment structured to enhance more individual participation and increased learning opportunities.  It is an evangelistic, missionary, and educational ministry with a focus on all ages.  Its mission is to provide the Sunday morning study in scriptures for the entire church and to make sure that the youth and young adults are included in study process.  Its purpose is to provide activities and teaching designed to develop and nurture spiritual growth and assures a comprehensive understanding of the scripture and its application to the Christian life.


Bible Study

This ministry provides Bible study and spiritual guidance to young adults in the church through regular meetings, prayer, sharing and fellowship.  The purpose of Bible study is to develop godly disciples to be effective in your Christian walk by equipping you with the spiritual tools necessary to walk upright in the areas of spiritual growth, service, support, and socialization.


Vacation Bible School

Mount Calvary's Vacation Bible School is a weekday program of Christian education for children featuring religious study courses, arts and crafts, and recreation conducted free of charge for two weeks during the summer vacation.

Upcoming Events

Noonday Bible Study - 1/15/2025 12:00:00 PM
Join Us Wednesday's At 12noon For Mid-Week Bible Study!
Discipleship Class - 1/18/2025 11:00:00 AM
Join Us As We Dive Into The Foundations Of The Christian Faith. All Are Welcomed To Join Us!

Contact Information

Mount Calvary Baptist Church
Albany New York

58 Alexander St
Albany, NY 12202

Phone: (518) 436-9308

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